Course curriculum
Messages from the instructors
How to use this course
Before we begin...
L1 | Building your practice in this Thinkific course
L2 | An introduction to the Active Breath diagram
L3 | The Active Breath slide
L4 | Why we do it
L5 | Some Context for Modeling Demo
L6 | Modeling Wall V - Getting Started
L7 | The Thirds
L8 | The Overview
L9 | Over Breath
L10 | Active Breath (Redux)
L11 | Practice Alongside - P1 (Over Breath / Active Breath)
L12 | Why Wall V P1 (Over Breath / Active Breath)
L13 | Wall V P1 (Over Breath / Active Breath)
L14 | Why Wall V P2 (Weight)
L15 | Wall V P2 (Weight)
L16 | Whisper Sequences: "Lalalala" or Count
L17 | Practice Alongside - P3 (Whisper Sequence)
L18 | Why Wall V P3 (Whisper Sequence)
L19 | Wall V P3 (Whisper Sequence)
ASSIGNMENT - Understand Wall V 1A Quiz
Embody Wall V - Part 1A
L1 | Recommended homework schedule for Part 1B
L2 | Wall V Continued
L3 | Practice Alongside - P4 (Sigh)
L4 | Why Wall V P4 (Sigh)
L5 | Wall V P4 (Sigh)
L6 | Practice Alongside - P5 (Spoken Sequences)
L7 | Why Wall V P5 (Sigh into Spoken Sequence)
L8 | Wall V P5 (Sigh into Spoken Sequence)
L9 | Practice Alongside - P6 (Pitch)
L10 | Why Wall V P6 (Pitch)
L11 | Wall V P6 (Pitch)
L12 | Practice Alongside - P7 Text (short version)
L13 | Practice Alongside - P7 Text (full version)
L14 | Why Wall V P7 (Text)
L15 | Wall V P7 (Text)
L16 | Teacher Tips: Wall V with Text
ASSIGNMENT - Understand Wall V 1B Quiz
Embody Wall V - Part 1B
Teachers Tips
Teacher's Tips: Troubleshooting during Wall V
Teacher Tips: Wall V with Text (redux)
ASSIGNMENT - Teach it!

About this course
- Free
- 49 lessons
- 2.5 hours of video content